
Is working from anywhere in the world the future of remote work?
Remote Work
Working Offshore
Sure, we're all familiar with working from home, but have you thought about working from anywhere in the world? Read our thoughts about it below!

So, if you work from home, you can work from anywhere, right?’ It’s a common question that comes with working from home.

Some might scoff and sarcastically reply with ‘yep, from the mountains, the moon, you name it’.

But, contrary to what some employees might think, working from wherever in the world (except the mountains and the moon unless you can lug your laptop up the snow and as for working from space, well, we’ll have to get back to you on that one) is becoming more widely accepted. Although, it does depend on your company—obviously.

And while some companies might be against the idea, others might be all for it, but in the future, it could just evolve into becoming another negotiable work perk that employees end up begging and pleading for. It could even become an issue among employees and employers… but we’re not going to go into that today.

What we’re trying to say is that working from home might get taken up a notch. A massive notch.

Think about it, because of how easy it is to connect online, flexible managers mightn’t care where you work from as long as you get your sh!t done. It’s the privilege of flexibility and a result of the pandemic. Thanks, COVID!

After all, a few years ago, we didn’t think working from home was something employees could negotiate.

Picture this: 

You’re on holiday in the Bahamas and didn’t need to take any annual leave. There you are just scrolling through your inbox with one hand and holding a cocktail in the other by the beach *bliss*.

Or you’re working for a company while living in another country… it’s an interesting thought.

The only downside to it is the taxation issues; it gets complicated (that’s an understatement). But we’re not going to bore you with it, so if you want more info, head to the Australian Government website. Otherwise, keep reading… yeah, yeah, we’re almost done.

…So, our question is, do you think employees will be scattered around the globe in years to come? Will it become the new norm? It’s something to daydream about for all of you who dread going into the office.

While you’re here, have a laugh at these relatable remote working situations:

• The excitement of having a ‘commute’ that consists of only a few steps from your bed to your laptop—exhausting stuff.

• Running around your house to find a clean shirt for your unexpected zoom call with your manager.

On a serious note, do you have a question for us? If you’re a job seeker on the lookout for your next role or a hiring manager looking to fill a position, contact us at Just Digital People! We’re here to help you succeed.
