
JDP’s Spotlight on our Melbourne Software Development Consultant Thaís
Office life
“My main goal is to make a positive impact on people’s lives somehow." Meet Thaís Amorim, our Melbourne Software Development Consultant!

This week we've put the spotlight on Thaís Amorim to talk about recruitment, her new promotion, what she loves about working for JDP, and more.

How long have you worked at JDP, and how did you become a recruiter?

“I’ve been with JDP for just under 8 months now. My journey here was quite a long one. I moved to Australia from Brazil when I was 18 and worked in hospitality jobs until COVID happened. 

I was fortunate enough to find a lovely family who took me in to be an Au Pair during lockdown, which kept me afloat until I could get back into hospitality. It was a tough time.

Fast-forward to May 2022, I wasn’t particularly enjoying my job, so I decided I needed something new to make me happier.

My focus was mainly on sales jobs until a recruiter reached out to me and asked if I’d be interested in recruitment. At first, I thought, “no way, Jose”, but the more I looked into the role, the more I realised I could be good at it. So, after a few interviews, I decided to join JDP.”

Why did you want to work in this industry?

“I thought it would be easier and more enjoyable than selling data. I got the “more enjoyable” part right, but it’s not as easy as I thought it would be. 

It’s a cliche, but I was genuinely interested in being able to help people. There’s no better feeling than receiving a nice message from clients and candidates after a successful placement.

Although most people think some of us are just doing it for the money, there’s an incredible amount of effort and care that goes into this job, and dare I say, those who treat it as a salesy job are less likely to succeed in the long run.”


Congratulations on your new promotion to Consultant in the Software Development space! What are you looking forward to achieving in your new role this year?

“It’s a tough question, but I think my main goal is to make a positive impact on people’s lives somehow. Whether that’s by giving someone the chance to get a sponsorship visa, land a dream job or find a perfect candidate. 

As long as I focus on my values and personal mission, I have no doubt good things will come my way, including long-lasting relationships and a successful career.”

What do you like most about recruitment?

“Being myself, meeting people and hearing about their stories. After spending two years in lockdown with limited interaction, it’s so nice to get to know people through my job that I otherwise wouldn’t have if I wasn’t working at JDP.  

My favourite part is placing those who need sponsorship, people who want stability after freelancing, those who need to return to work after maternity leave or a mental health break, and prodigies. I love challenging old beliefs such as ‘minimum 5 years’ experience in this particular field’ and encouraging my clients to interview people for their achievements and ambitions."

Recruitment can be stressful; are there any tips you can share on overcoming the hurdles?

“I’m very sensitive, so I always get stressed and sad when placements fall through. You just need to keep reminding yourself that some things are just out of your control, so there’s no point focusing on them. 

You’re allowed to be sad and frustrated, but the best advice I would always give someone is to focus on the things you CAN control. If you’re being consistent and doing the things you need to do, the results will show. Maybe further down the line, but they will.”


What do you like most about going into the office?

“It’s where I feel most productive; I’m all about the right setting, so going into the office feels like I’m walking into my creation lab.

There are also my colleagues. They’re a good bunch, and we get along really well, which fills up my happiness bucket. It’s nice to have people around when you need help or simply want to talk about your weekend over lunch. I like working from home, but it’s nice to have friends around most days of the week.

Pablo is also a great touch in our office. I don’t think I’m his favourite because I’m just cuddly to an annoying level, but his presence really brings a feeling of joy into the place.”


What do you love to do in your spare time outside of the office?

“I like listening to podcasts, reading books, exploring the outdoors, going to CrossFit, or simply sitting on the couch bingeing a tv show. Love being a couch potato."

"If anyone needs recommendations:

My favourite podcasts are The Imperfects, The Recruitment Mentors Podcast, The Whoop Podcast, and The James Smith Podcast, and I recently discovered When Work Isn’t Work which is also great. 

I’ve recently read The Happiest Man on Earth, The Ex-Wife (psychological thriller), Atomic Habits and currently reading Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life AND The Book of Women: Celebrating the Female Spirit. Hit me up if you want to share book recommendations ;).”

Speaking of podcasts, Just Digital People has recently released Questions, Wings, & Things on Spotify—take a listen!
